Wong Again

I followed the inscrutable Director of the Hang Seng Bank today, as he left his tryst-nyst sans Inna and headed across town with a mysteriously leaden plastic bag. He took the serpentine route, through the backstreets and market alleys, past the endless stalls and kiosks selling animal parts and blackmarket DVDs and discontinued Thomas The Tank Engine toys, his gait steady, never looking back. The black bag swung from his hand like a talisman. Whatever it contained was too small to be a soccer player's head, if that's what you're thinking, and I was, but we shouldn't be surprised if he'd shrunk it.

My feet ached. I think the knock-off Asics I bought yesterday have cardboard soles. And It ended finally on the gangway stairs of the SS Indefatigable, flying a Turkmanistani flag, seen here in the dazzling nether hours of the harbor.

I was not allowed onboard.
And the next morning, Indefatigable was gone in the fog.
hey what happenned with you and mr wrong???
i received the same email from him. mr wong of hsbank.....
please, write me:
I suspect Wong has lept to a new Internets scheme (my comments in parens):
Remember how you felt when your dream girl shot you down? Well now you never have to feel that way again! Pheromones have been proven to work, and are guaranted to increase your attractiveness to women of all ages.
(This is the key, for me: women of all ages. Not just young women, not just hot women. I mean, eighty year old women will like you. And that's important. Remember Gramma? Remember the pork chop she kept in her purse for emergencies? How hungry are you, right now, just thinking about all that attractiveness you're gonna be working?)
Just look at some of the testimonials we have received back from 100% satisfied repeat customers! :
"I've always had a problem approaching girls. They would just walk past me like I didn't exist. I sometimes felt like they purposely would not give me any attention just because they were snobby and stuck up. Now, when I use Ultra Allure Pheromones, it's alot easier to approach girls because THEY are usually the ones that will smile at me first or make eye contact."
Robert K, Boise Idaho
(I love Robert K. I hate how girls always get all snobby and stuck up. I mean, who doesn't have a problem approaching girls? This seems like the perfect solution to me, the pheromones, making it possible for Robert K. and geeks like him to get their mojo on. Because, you know, it's much easier when they smile and make eye contact than the old way, which involves staring until they get uncomfortable and then chasing them down the street with your tongue out. Or just shuffling in real fast and groping blindly.)
"I saw you guys offered a moneyback guarantee, so I though I would give it a go(I had nothing to lose). Well how glad am I that I did! My first night out with a little Ultra Allure on me I had 4 different girls ask me what I was wearing and what I was doing later(I met up with the hottest of the 4 ;) ) Now I don't even leave the house without throwing on a few dabs of Ultra Allure- its my (not so) secret weapon! I can honestly say this product truly works, women are really drawn to you once they catch a little bit of the scent."
Brad M. Kentucky
(And Brad M. got the hottest of the 4! Go Brad, go Brad. He had nothing to lose! I am interested, though, about the 'what was I wearing?" thing. What was he wearing? A thong and a pair of chartreuse Crocs? Girls don't usually ask what you're wearing unless what you're wearing is, um, unusual, Brad. )
We receive dozens of emails daily just like these ones!
(I'm so psyched!)
Don't be left out! Pheromones have been studied extensively and profiled on such media outlets as CNN, Oprah Winfrey show, ABC, MSNBC, FOXNEWS, and magazines such as MAXIM, FHM and PLAYBOY!
(Yeah, I read a whole article about pheromone harvesting in the ECONOMIST. How trained specialist go to Mumbai and Santiago with cotton swipes, and spend their nights looking for really, really sweaty guys, preferably sneaking up on them right after they've had monkey sex and then taking a sample of their pheromones and growing it in a petri dish -- did you know that a dog's butt is its business card? I kid you not. Everything another dog needs to know is packaged, chemically speaking, in the special glands the dog has going on back there, which is why dogs spend a lot of time networking and whatnot, and this pheromone thing is pretty much the same, except women won't have to smell your butt.)
Visit our website now to check out the huge discount sale going on right now! Hurry though as discount specials will be discontinued within the next few days!
(Yeah, the discounts will be discontinued, so act fast!)
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